The Emsella chair is used for vagina tightening treatment and is highly successful at treating a variety of intimate health issues for women. If vaginal laxity, vaginal discomfort, vaginal dryness, low sex drive, or bladder control are a concern for you, then Emsella vaginal rejuvenation and pelvic floor rehabilitation sessions will make a huge difference in your sex life and personal comfort.
A non-invasive Emsella treatment session is similar to a pelvic floor physiotherapy treatment, Emsella vaginal tightening treatments will tighten the vagina and pelvic floor muscles to treat sexual dysfunction, as well as urinary incontinence or overactive bladder.
Emsella energy waves target the vagina and the pelvic floor muscles and stimulate this region of the lower body with HIFEM (high-intensity focused electromagnetic) energy that causes the vagina and pelvic floor to contract and strengthen. It gives the pelvic floor and vagina muscles a deep internal workout. One treatment session can deliver the equivalent of 11,000 pelvic floor contractions.
Women at any age can benefit from Emsella vagina strengthening and tightening treatments. Having a healthy strong core and pelvic floor is essential to optimal sexual health and urinary health. Emsella’s non-surgical and pain-free vaginal tightening therapy has helped many women regain their sexual confidence and saved many intimate relationships.
Emsella vagina treatments can help women get back control of their lives and sexuality — word is spreading about the amazing benefits of this treatment for women. Vaginal laxity, vaginal dryness, having a low sex drive, and stress incontinence are all treatable conditions that women shouldn’t have to learn to live with — Emsella can help treat conditions related to vaginal and sexual health, urinary health, menopause, and pre and post-natal health.
A proven treatment to tighten vagina muscles and improve vaginal laxity is the non-invasive Emsella chair device. It is designed to improve the strength of the pelvic floor muscles and rejuvenate the vagina to reduce and eliminate symptoms related to vaginal laxity and bladder control.
An Emsella vaginal rejuvenation treatment will help improve the tightness and sensation of the vagina and give you back confidence in your sex life. Vaginal laxity and a loss of elasticity in the vagina is strongly tied to pelvic floor muscle health and fitness, as well as any trauma to the pelvic floor from vaginal childbirth for example.
Vaginal laxity can result in less sensation during sex for both women and men, which could result in sexual intercourse being less pleasurable. Laxity or loss of vaginal tightness may also make it harder to reach orgasm for females. Factors that can cause or influence vaginal laxity many include:
Emsella sessions can also be used as an effective preventative treatment prior to becoming pregnant to prevent excess trauma to the pelvic floor muscles after childbirth, and for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles prior to the onset of menopause. Preventative treatment is important for optimal vaginal and pelvic floor health, and will ensure an active and healthy quality of life.
By tightening and strengthening the vagina muscles, Emsella treatments can reduce and eliminate issues connected with vaginal laxity and low sex drive. Issues like vaginal dryness and discomfort will be improved as Emsella HIFEM energy helps to simulate the body’s natural collagen regeneration, which will help with lubrication and vaginal firmness.
You will notice a difference during sexual intercourse before and after an Emsella treatment; tightening vagina muscles will reduce vaginal discomfort, and women find sex becomes more comfortable and pleasurable. Our vaginal tightening treatment has helped to improve the sex lives of many of our clients, and gave them a real confidence boost when it comes to intimate sexual relations. And as an added bonus, after Emsella pelvic floor treatments women experience improved bladder control.
If you would like to experience the many benefits of an Emsella treatment, then contact us through our website to book a vaginal rejuvenation UK consultation.
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The non-invasive Emsella chair machine delivers a pelvic floor physiotherapy treatment to tighten vagina muscles and strengthen the pelvic floor to treat vaginal laxity, as well as urinary incontinence. The non-surgical treatment uses electromagnetic energy to strengthen and tone the vaginal muscles. If you would like to learn more about non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation, then contact us through our website to book an Emsella consultation.
Some of our clients experience results after just one Emsella vagina tightening treatment. However, for the best long-term results we recommend 6-8 Emsella treatments. The results can last for years, but depending on your age and if you are going through multiple pregnancies, you may need additional treatments at different stages in your life. Contact us to book a vaginal rejuvenation treatment consultation.
In the case of a non-surgical, non-invasive Emsella vaginal rejuvenation treatment, it is a pain-free experience. You simply sit on the Emsella vaginal rejuvenation device for about 30 minutes to experience the energy waves emitted by the Emsella treatment chair. Many people ask: is vaginal rejuvenation safe, and it is a completely safe and effective treatment.
Yes, vaginal rejuvenation using the Emsella machine does work. After several sessions using the Emsella chair device vaginal muscles are tighter and stronger. Symptoms of vaginal laxity are significantly decreased. Sexual health and pelvic floor muscle health is restored. Feedback from clients has been that vaginal rejuvenation before and after results are immediately noticeable.