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Giving birth affects you both mentally and physically, and it takes time to adjust to this new stage in life. Postnatal conditions encompass a wide variety of physical and mental conditions including:

  • Postnatal depression
  • Weight gain
  • Stretch marks
  • Hormonal changes
  • Hair loss

You may experience a whole range of postnatal conditions, or you may just be dealing with one. Whatever your situation, at Este, we’re here to help you feel and look your best during this new life stage.

Postpartum Hair loss

Hair loss can be a common issue for women after giving birth. According to the NHS, as many as 50% of post-natal women experience hair loss within six months of giving birth. This type of hair loss is known as postpartum hair loss, and a number of factors, including hormonal changes, post-pregnancy stress, and lack of sleep, can cause it. While postpartum hair loss is usually temporary and resolves on its own within a few months, several treatments are available to help speed up the process.

Este Medical offer laser hair regrowth and mesotherapy for post-natal hair loss. These treatments are safe and effective and can help improve the appearance of hair quickly. If you are experiencing postpartum hair loss, be sure to speak to your doctor or book a consultation with our hair loss experts to find out the best treatment options.  

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What Causes: Postnatal Conditions

You’ve given birth to a baby, and while you might expect to be feel fabulous, it turns out this is a seriously challenging time for your body and mind. If you’re struggling with negative feelings, don’t feel guilty. Many postnatal conditions such as depression and weight gain can be attributed in part to sleep deprivation. After all, when you’ve got a new-born in the house, it can be incredibly difficult to get a decent night’s sleep – so be kind to yourself.

Other postnatal conditions such as hormonal changes are simply a matter of your body adjusting to this new phase. Oestrogen and progesterone levels drop quickly post-birth and they can really affect your mood. Furthermore, if you are breastfeeding, you will have high levels of prolactin and this can have an effect on your behaviour, sex drive, and immune system too.

You may also notice changes to your skin and/or hair after giving birth. Stretch marks are a common side effect of pregnancy as your tummy expands due to your growing baby. You may also develop melasma or ‘the mask of pregnancy’ on your face. This occurs due to excessive oestrogen and progesterone during pregnancy, and your skin may return to normal post-birth. Lastly, one final postnatal condition you may experience is hair loss. This usually occurs in the first few months after giving birth. It is very common, and happens because of depleting levels of oestrogen.

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Cause of Postnatal
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Treatment Options: Postnatal Conditions

At Este, we want all new mums to feel and look their best. Looking after a new-born is a time filled with all the emotions, and it’s often easy to forget that you matter too. Taking care of yourself is an important part of being a mum, so never fail to neglect yourself. To help you enjoy this new life experience, and feel as good as you can, we offer a range of treatments perfect for enjoying once you’re ready to get out to a salon again. Choose from -

Child's Alopecia treatment story with Este Medical
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Child's Alopecia treatment story with Este Medical
Visia Digital Skin Analysis

Visia Digital Skin Analysis

When we use the Visia Digital Skin Analysis to assess your skin, we are using a tool that allows us to see deep below the surface layer of your skin and detect a multiple of potential concerns. This advanced technology allows us to pick up on issues such as spots, wrinkles, texture, pores, UV spots, scars, red areas, porphyrins and more.

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