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Ingrown hairs can be a nuisance when they become inflamed, as they often cause itchy raised bumps on the skin’s surface. Ingrown hair spots can also be painful and produce pus. If an ingrown hair doesn’t go away on its own, then professional treatment may be required to avoid infection, scarring, and skin darkening.

Additionally, an ingrown hair may form an ingrown hair cyst, which may require treatment if it causes pain and inflammation, or if it becomes infected.

An ingrown hair is a new strand of hair that tries to push out of the hair follicle, but instead of coming up through the skin naturally, it curls back and gets trapped underneath the skin’s surface. It essentially grows into the skin, which can result in an infected ingrown hair if not treated appropriately.  

Ingrown hair spots or bumps are commonly referred to as razor or shaving bumps, as in most cases ingrown hairs are caused by depilatory and grooming rituals like shaving, waxing, and plucking for example. Common trouble spots on the body for ingrown hair spots are the pubic area (i.e., bikini line), legs, armpits, and around the face.

An effective treatment for ingrown hairs and cysts is professional laser hair removal. If you would like to book an ingrown hair removal treatment, just send us a request through our website.

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What Causes: Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs and ingrown hair cysts can result from abrasive or intense hair removal methods like shaving, waxing, plucking, and threading. You can also get ingrown hairs when a build-up of dead skin or dirt clog hair follicles, stunting the growth of new hairs. People with darker skin tones, coarse and/or curly hair tend to experience ingrown hair issues more frequently.

Here are several indications of an ingrown hair; symptoms may include one or more of these signs:

  • Raised bump
  • Itchy skin bump
  • Skin irritation, skin redness
  • Papule or cystic raised spot
  • Pain and inflammation
  • Discoloration, skin darkening
  • Infection
  • Bumps becoming larger, more painful
  • Pus in hair follicle or around bump

These ingrown hair symptoms may appear anywhere on the body where you shave, wax or pluck. Additionally, ingrown hair cysts and ingrown hair bumps can be symptomatic of clogged and dirty hair follicles. For instance, the beard area (e.g., chin, cheeks and neck), along the bikini line and on the legs, at the armpits, inside the nose, as well as on the back, chest, stomach, and buttocks are all areas that can suffer from ingrown hairs, especially if these areas are razor shaved, or not properly cleansed and exfoliated during bathing.

Ingrown hair concerns that tend to stand out as particularly troublesome include ingrown pubic hair and deep ingrown hairs.

Infected-looking bumps in the genital area are always cause for concern, as they are in a sensitive area that might hurt, as well they are not aesthetically pleasing to look at. How to prevent ingrown hairs in the pubic area is best addressed with regular laser hair removal treatments, as shaving and waxing this sensitive skin area (e.g.,the bikini line) can lead to unattractive razor bumps, redness, ingrown hairs, and itchiness.

Deep ingrown hairs tend to cause constant or continuous irritation. They can feel uncomfortable, as well as be itchy, painful, and swollen. For a deep ingrown hair do not attempt to treat at home, as infection may result, seek out a professional ingrown hair treatment like laser hair removal.

If you would like to avoid the chore of regular shaving and waxing, then send us a message through our website to arrange a laser hair removal treatment session, and get ready to say bye-bye to the nuisance of ingrown hairs.  

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Ingrown Hairs - Causes & Treatment
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Treatment Option: Ingrown Hairs

When it comes to personal grooming, women and men want to know how to stop ingrown hairs from happening. Laser hair removal ingrown hair treatment sessions are the best way to go, especially if you are looking to reduce unwanted hair on your body.

Why is laser hair removal the best way to get rid of ingrown hairs quickly? Laser hair removal is the most effective treatment because the laser energy goes directly to the root of the problem — the hair root! The laser energy hits the hair follicle directly, which weakens the hair, causing it to detach from the shaft, as a result hair will not grow back in the laser treated area.

Find out more about the technology Este Medical uses for laser hair removal and ingrown hair treatments.

Committing to laser treatments means permanent hair removal; good riddance to time-consuming shaving, plucking, waxing, plus the nuisance and irritation of ingrown hairs. Find an Este Medical clinic near you to start your ingrown hair laser therapy.  

Child's Alopecia treatment story with Este Medical
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Child's Alopecia treatment story with Este Medical
Visia Digital Skin Analysis

Visia Digital Skin Analysis

When we use the Visia Digital Skin Analysis to assess your skin, we are using a tool that allows us to see deep below the surface layer of your skin and detect a multiple of potential concerns. This advanced technology allows us to pick up on issues such as spots, wrinkles, texture, pores, UV spots, scars, red areas, porphyrins and more.

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