Since abdominal etching is safe and extremely effective in most cases, it can be the perfect surgery for men seeking more defined abs. Those who are frequent gym goers will benefit from having the stubborn layer of fat removed. And for those to are a healthy weight but not as active, will benefit from gaining more visible abdominal muscle
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In Turkey, at our State of the Art medical theatres by surgeons who have at least a decade of experience but often double that.
As with any surgery there are risks that in this case may include infection, bleeding and excessive scarring. There are also risks associated with general anesthesia. Rest assured that all known risks will be discussed prior to your consent for surgery.
The procedure itself is short in length, and recovery time of one to two weeks is fairly simple. You can usually leave the hospital on the same day. All the necessary aftercare will be explained, and implemented, by your personal medical team at Este Medical Group.
We will examine your body fat percentage to give you an honest analysis of the results you can expect.