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What is Ear Pinning?

Otoplasty/Pinnaplasty, or Ear Pinning as its commonly known as, is a procedure which reshapes the ears. It is extremely common and the procedure itself is fairly straightforward. If the shape, size or position of your ears is an area you are unsatisfied with then this treatment may be for you. Sometimes visibly large ears can affect the way a person sees themself, and harms their confidence. There are many reasons why a person considers this, either through lack of self-confidence or having been bullied in the past, or simply because they choose to.

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Why Choose Ear Pinning with Este Medical?

Whatever your reason, Este Medical Group have some of the finest ear surgeons in the industry. We are medical practitioners, not salesmen. This means that we care only about providing the best possible treatments, with precision and excellence, for the right people. And if for any reason we feel you are not a suitable candidate, we will be honest about this. We act with integrity in every procedure we agree to do, and in the rare cases where we refuse to do the procedure.

Ear Pinning
Ear Pinning

How Does it Work?

With us, surgery takes one or two hours and you will have decided well in advance with your personal team whether to undergo local or General anesthetic. Your surgeon will make as small an incision as necessary behind your ear first. Then they shall remove excess cartilage that is causing the ears to protrude then pin the ears back to the new position close to your head. Your surgeon will stitch the area, and dress you in wrapping so the cartilage is supported. In agreement with your surgeon you will be given a timescale of when to remove your dressing.

The end result is that you will notice the appearance of your ears is more natural, rather than looking different! This is because we work closely with our clients beforehand to ensure your expectations of the final result is what is realistic and safely do-able. In follow ups with our past clients we are delighted to hear their self-esteem often has increased, or that simply their ears are not an ‘issue’ for them anymore.

Ear Pinning
Ear Pinning

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