Types of Scars
Not all Este Medical Group clinics can treat all scar types due to the treatment required. Please get in touch with your local branch for a consultation to determine if we can treat your type of scar.
Normal fine-line scars
A minor wound, like a cut, will usually heal to leave a raised line. They will gradually fade and flatten over time; however, the scar will not disappear completely, and you'll be left with a visible mark or line.
Keloid scars
This type of scar keeps growing, even after the wound has healed. It is due to the overgrowth of tissue when too much collagen is produced at the site of a wound.
Hypertrophic scars
These scars are the result of excess collagen being produced at the site of a wound.
Pitted or sunken scars
Some scars caused by skin conditions, such as acne, can have a sunken appearance.
Scar contractures
Scar contractures are often caused by burns. They happen when the skin "shrinks", leading to tightness and a restriction in movement.
Acne scars
Acne causes pitted scars and skin discolouration's.