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Blemishes are marks on the skin. You can use the term for anything from spots, patches of discolouration, or even for moles.

In general terms, a blemish is used to describe an area of the skin that isn’t as clear as you’d like it to be.

Blemishes may be annoying to you, but they are usually harmless. If you are at all worried about a particular blemish, always be on the safe side and get it checked out by your GP.

At Este, we offer a number of specialist treatments designed to boost skin health

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What Causes: Blemishes

The word ‘blemishes’ is an ‘umbrella’ term for a number of different skin conditions, so there are many different reasons as to why you may have a blemish, or blemishes, on your skin.

  • If your blemishes are acne-related, then they may be caused by fluctuations in your hormones.
  • If your blemishes are due to hyperpigmentation, you may simply be genetically predisposed to having areas of skin that are a slightly different tone to other areas of your skin, or you may be experiencing changes in your hormone levels due to pregnancy, or the menopause.
  • Blemishes can also be caused by stress, overexposure to the sun, build-up of dead skin cells, and because of excess sebum that results in acne.
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Treatment Options: Blemishes

A good at-home skincare regime can help tackle certain blemishes and make them appear better. Look for ingredients like salicylic acid, tea tree oil, azelaic acid and vitamin C to help with overall skin health. If your blemishes don’t respond to off-the-shelf products, an in-salon treatment may be beneficial for you. At Este, we offer a number of specialist treatments designed to boost skin health. They are:

Child's Alopecia treatment story with Este Medical
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Child's Alopecia treatment story with Este Medical
Visia Digital Skin Analysis

Visia Digital Skin Analysis

When we use the Visia Digital Skin Analysis to assess your skin, we are using a tool that allows us to see deep below the surface layer of your skin and detect a multiple of potential concerns. This advanced technology allows us to pick up on issues such as spots, wrinkles, texture, pores, UV spots, scars, red areas, porphyrins and more.

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Call us or fill out our quick and easy online form and we’ll be in touch to arrange a date that best suits you

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