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What is Profhilo Treatment? Does Profhilo Really Work?
What is Profhilo Treatment? Does Prophilo Rally Work?


Oct 25, 2022

Published By:

Este Medical Group

Loved by our own Este CEO, Sam Cinkir, and celebs such as Vogue Williams, Gemma Collins, and Martine McCutcheon, Profhilo treatment is becoming the must-have skincare beauty trend of the moment.

What is Profhilo?

Profhilo is an injectable treatment that contains one of the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid available in a skincare treatment. It is an anti-ageing, skin-boosting treatment that promotes your skin’s natural production of collagen and elastin, and in short, it makes you glow. Profhilo works to vamp up -

  • Hydration
  • Skin firmness
  • Glow
  • Skin strength

How Long Does it Take for Profhilo to Work?

We often get asked, how long does Profhilo take to work and the answer is generally that you will notice the best results after your second treatment. Profhilo treatment is carried out in two stages.

You’ll have your first treatment of five injections on the face, then you’ll need to wait 4-6 weeks for your second treatment. After this, you can have top-up maintenance treatments every 3, 6, 9, and 12 months if you’d like them.

How Long does Profhilo Treatment Last?

So now you know the answer to ‘when will I see results from Profhilo’, but what about how long those results will last? The good news is that you’ll enjoy an improvement to your skin for around six weeks post-second-treatment.

Does Profhilo Hurt?

Profhilo is given as an injection across five sites on either side of the face – so 10 injections in total. Most clients choose to have numbing cream applied to the skin before treatment begins. If you choose numbing cream then Profhilo isn’t painful. If, however, you decide to go au naturel like our CEO Sam Cinkir, you may find certain Profhilo injection points a touch more painful than others.

See Sam have his third Profhilo treatment here at our Birmingham Este clinic. As you can see, he does find certain injections a little more painful than others. If you’re concerned about pain – simply opt for numbing cream (like Sam should have, right?).

Can you have Botox and Profhilo at the Same Time?

Yes, if you’re looking to target wrinkles and fine lines at the same time as boosting your skin’s production of collagen and elastin, then combining Botox with Profhilo could be a wise move. While one works to interrupt muscle function, the other works to give your skin a healthy glow. The two together make for a powerful duo in terms of skin aesthetics.

Common FAQS

If you haven’t had Profhilo before and you’re wondering what you can and can’t do post-treatment, let’s take a look at some common questions we get asked with regards to this procedure.

Can I Lie Down After Profhilo?

After treatment you need to avoid lying down for six hours. This is to help ensure bruising is kept to a minimum and make sure the hyaluronic acid is able to penetrate as it should. After this period of time has passed, you’re fine to lie down.

How to Sleep After Profhilo?

The best position for sleeping after Profhilo is with your head slightly elevated and facing upwards. Try adding an extra pillow or two. This will ensure any swelling you’ve experienced has the best chance of subsiding, and ensure bruising is kept to a minimum.

What’s the Difference between Profhilo, Botox, and Fillers?

Profhilo is made up of a highly concentrated form of hyaluronic acid. Keen beauty enthusiasts will know that this is the same ingredient in dermal fillers. However, the hyaluronic acid in Profhilo is made up differently to that in dermal fillers. So, when you choose Profhilo you’ll be getting concentrated hyaluronic acid delivered to your skin.

This will attract water and hydration and give you a major glow. The hyaluronic acid in dermal fillers, meanwhile, works to add volume. Botox, on the other hand, interrupts muscle function so you’re not able to crease your face and thus fine lines and wrinkles are temporarily reduced. Profhilo is ideal if you -

  • Don’t want added volume
  • Want to keep your look natural
  • Don’t want to interfere with muscle use
The Last Word

If you feel like your skin has lost its oomph, and your complexion is a little lacking in vibrancy, then a course of Profhilo could be just the thing to get you feeling and looking your best again. Plus, if you’d like to look great even without make-up, Profhilo will really help with achieving that goal.

Gorgeous, glowing, youthful skin can be yours with Profhilo. Give it a try and see what you think! Book in for your no obligation consultation with Este.

Last Updated:

October 25, 2022

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