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Rosacea Unmasked: Triggers, Symptoms & Skincare Solutions
Rosacea Unmasked: Triggers, Symptoms & Skincare Solutions


Sep 28, 2023

Published By:

Este Medical Group

Women and men who have rosacea often feel overwhelmed and embarrassed by this long-term skin condition that makes the skin red on the nose and cheeks and is often accompanied by a rash.

Rosacea on the face can also cause your complexion to flush red and expose visible blood vessels below the skin’s surface. Despite the fact there is no cure for rosacea, there are ways to control it with facial treatments like HydraFacial, Magic Needle or Scarlet RF, and LED Phototherapy light therapy for rosacea are effective. 

Are you currently dealing with red skin rosacea, or just want to learn more about this skin condition? To help individuals better understand this chronic but treatable skin condition we have created a simple guide to rosacea skincare, including what causes rosacea, the signs and symptoms of rosacea, and most importantly how you can treat rosacea skin to alleviate rosacea skin flushing, rosacea burning sensation, and rosacea bumps for instance. 

What Is Rosacea? 

What does rosacea skin look like? Rosacea is a common condition that can cause redness and swollen bumps on the central part of your face, most often on the nose, cheeks, and forehead. Key indications of rosacea skin include: 

  • Skin flushing: intense facial blushing in the centre of your face might be a sign you have rosacea. Over time this skin flushing and redness may last for longer periods. 
  • Dry, flaky skin: besides having a red-looking complexion, individuals with rosacea on the face almost always suffer from dryer skin. Rosacea does have a negative impact on skin texture, often causing the skin to become more dry, rough, and scaly. 
  • Skin rash, swollen skin: in the areas of facial redness pus-filled bumps that look like acne may appear. 
  • Visible blood vessels: spider veins may become visible over your nose and cheeks because of rosacea. 
  • Burning sensation: rosacea skin can sometimes feel hot and tender to the touch, like a burning feeling on the affected area of rosacea. 
  • Rosacea eye problems: this issue is called ocular rosacea (blepharitis) and it can cause your eyelids to become inflamed and swollen, as well as cause redness around the eyes. Eyes might also be unusually dry and irritated. 
  • Skin thickening and enlarged nose: in more serious cases of rosacea the skin may become thicker, especially around the nose. When this happens the nose will appear bulbous (rhinophyma) and larger. This tends to be more of a concern for males than females. 

Is rosacea itchy? When you have rosacea skin, burning and stinging is more common than rosacea itching. Skin itching is typically linked to subtypes of rosacea that involve bumps on the skin (i.e., papulopustular rosacea).

How To Treat Rosacea Successfully  

Have you experienced any of these rosacea symptoms on your face? If you are experiencing signs of rosacea on the face, we recommend you speak to your family doctor about a referral to a dermatologist, as well as ask your GP about metronidazole, which is an antibiotic commonly used to treat infections and the growth of certain bacteria. 

Este Medical has professional skincare UK treatments for rosacea. Send us a message through our website and book a rosacea skincare consultation and be sure to ask us about regular HydraFacial treatments to keep your skin fully hydrated and free of bacteria, as well ask us about LED light treatment (PDT) and radio frequency microneedling for rosacea.

What Is The Main Cause Of Rosacea? 

The exact cause of skin rosacea is still a mystery; however, there are definitive triggers that can cause rosacea to flare up and linger on the skin. Here are some common reasons for what causes rosacea on face: 

  • Immune system issues
  • Genetics or hormones
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Environmental factors

What causes rosacea flare ups? When it comes to this skin condition, there are any number of possible reasons why you might be experiencing rosacea. Additionally, rosacea skin flare ups can be triggered by diet, drugs, and day to day things like face make-up. 

  • Spicy foods
  • Hot drinks
  • Alcoholic drinks like red wine and prosecco
  • Extreme changes in temperature 
  • Exposure to intense sunlight 
  • Drugs that dilate blood vessels or blood pressure medications
  • Some skin, cosmetic, or hair care products

Is rosacea genetic? The jury is still out on whether rosacea is genetic; however, there is strong evidence to suggest rosacea is the result of a combination of environmental and hereditary factors. The good news is rosacea is not caused by personal hygiene and rosacea is not contagious. 

If you would like to talk to an Este Medical skincare expert about how to get rid of rosacea, then book a rosacea treatment consultation today

Does Rosacea Get Worse With Age? 

Unfortunately, the severity of rosacea can get worse with age. For some reason rosacea is very common for women over the age of 30 with light skin.

Now, just because you have rosacea doesn’t mean it will get worse, but it is possible. If you are in your 30’s and experiencing more rosacea signs and symptoms you should strongly consider having regular medical clinic treatments to manage the condition (e.g., facials, RF skin therapy, photo dynamic therapy…). 

Does Rosacea Go Away? 

Does rosacea ever go away on its own? As mentioned above, rosacea does not have a medical cure, but there are antibiotics (e.g., metronidazole) and professional skincare treatments for rosacea that can help if taken regularly.  

Although rosacea can't be cured, treatments can help keep symptoms under control. Long-term skincare treatments are usually necessary. One day there will be a way to find out how to get rid of rosacea permanently, but until that day there are proven, skin-safe treatments Este Medical Group has available to gently and effectively treat your rosacea. 

  • LED Phototherapy: non-invasive treatment that heals the skin and improves skin texture.
  • Scarlet RF treatment: non-surgical skincare that combines radiofrequency (SRF) with microneedling to correct skin texture and make the skin more resilient.
  • HydraFacial for rosacea: these regular facial treatments are ideal for intensive skin hydration and removing flaky and scaly dry skin. 

How Do I Know If I Have Rosacea? Come To An Este Clinic Near You! 

As covered above, rosacea can appear in a variety of forms: from skin blushing to dry, burning skin, and more problematic issues with the eyes and nose. If you are unsure if you have rosacea or not, we recommend you come to an Este Medical clinic near you and have an in-depth Este skin assessment

At Este Medical Group we understand how emotional and traumatic having a chronic skin condition like rosacea can be. Our skincare professionals and dermatologists are here to support you on a regular basis to get control of your rosacea symptoms and your recurring rosacea skin issues. Send us a message to get started on caring for your rosacea skin long-term, we are here to help you.

Last Updated:

September 28, 2023

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