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How to Get Fit at Any Age & How Your Body Shape Changes with Age
how to get fit and healthy at any age


Jan 24, 2023

Published By:

Este Medical Group

Want to know how to get fit and healthy whatever age you’re at? Course you do! After all, keeping fit isn’t just about working on a buff physique, it’s about keeping your mental health ticking over too.

Get Ready for Any Age

It’s no secret that we’re all getting older every single minute of the day. And while we’re in our 20s and 30s it doesn’t seem like too big a deal. But age has a habit of creeping up on you and before you know it, you’re wondering why your back is aching, your joints are clicking, and why the extra pounds seem impossible to shift. Add to all that the fact that your body actually changes as you age, and it’s imperative that keeping active is high up on your to-do list.

As we age, our bones have a habit of actually shrinking – both in size and density. This makes them weaker and more prone to sustaining damage. Because of this, you might notice that you actually get a bit shorter over time. Apparently, our bodies change shape the most at ages 34, 60, and 78.

The ageing process is a journey of acceptance. It happens to all of us, and the best way to feel good at whatever age you’re at, is to stay fit and healthy. So, what’s the best and quickest way to get fit at any age? We’re here to tell you...

How to Get Fit in your 30s

Ah, you’re 30. You’re still so young. But by this age, you’re also a little wiser. If you’ve had your fill of drunken nights out, and you’re looking to do something good for your body, here’s what you can try. Your early 30s is the age when your bone density is at its peak. So, activities that are centred around your bones bearing your weight are a really good form of exercise to ensure your bone health is in good shape for the rest of your life. Look at activities such as -

  • Running
  • Netball
  • Rugby or Football
  • Dancing
  • Skipping
  • Aerobics

All of these exercises are great for building up your muscles, and ensuring your joints and ligaments are strengthened. If you’re keen to give your mental health a boost, these physical exercises will certainly help, but it’s also a good idea to look at what else you can do to help improve your mental wellbeing. Simple things such as looking at your food choices and going to bed a bit earlier can all help.

How to Get Fit in your 40s

Now’s the time to prep ahead. Research has shown that pelvic floor disorders are particularly common for women in their 50s, so if you can get ahead of this now, you’ll be better placed to avoid this condition later on in life. The NHS has some helpful exercises you can practise right here.

Your 40s are a busy age, so exercising can often feel like one thing you don’t need on your never-ending to-do list. However, if you’re keen to stay healthy and well, it’s a good idea to include at least three sessions of exercise a week. A quick hit like an HIIT workout makes great sense for your 40s as it will both burn calories and boost strength.

During your 40s, you might also start to notice your skin ageing more rapidly than it previously has. This is, of course, entirely normal, but it doesn’t make it any easier to accept. Help combat the signs of ageing by eating your way to healthier skin.

How to Keep Fit in your 50s

Wondering how to get fit at 50, 70, and beyond? There are plenty of exercises to try. Pilates is a great choice for this age group as it offers resistance training but is lower impact.

Brisk 15-minute exercises that help with strength and body conditioning are also a great option. Walking, rowing, running will get your heart rate pumping and help you stay healthy. During your 50s, you will also most likely experience the menopause, so it’s more important than ever to check in on your mental wellbeing too.

How to Get Fit in your 60s

In your 60s, you may start to find it a little harder to be as physically active as you once were. If you’re wondering how to stay fit when you can’t exercise, there are still things you can do to help you feel better. When you’re in your 60s you should aim for regular, light exercise every day. You could -

  • Go for a walk
  • Enjoy a swim
  • Do exercises that aim to increase your balance, strength, and flexibility

Group classes are another ideal way to keep fit and healthy, and they’ll help your mental health stay in good shape too. Classes such as yoga and pilates are great options for your 60s as they help strengthen your muscles, improve your balance, and increase your flexibility. You could also boost your cognitive function by doing crosswords, word puzzles, maths problems.

The NHS offers guidelines for physical activity for over 65s here.

How to Stay Fit and Healthy in your 70s and Over

We all age at different rates, and while you might find you’re still able to be relatively active in your 70s, someone else may find it more of a stretch. If this is the case, check out your local area for group classes for older people.

A chair-based exercise class is a great way to keep your joints moving, and you might even make a new friend along the way. If you live in a remote area or can’t get to a class – check out YouTube for short exercise classes.

Last Updated:

January 24, 2023

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