Our Este Manchester client experienced dramatic results after having Este Medical fat freezing treatment combined with an Este EMSculpt body contouring procedure.
You can see from these fat freezing and EMSculpt before and after photos how much fat was reduced from the tummy area.
When it comes to areas of hard to shift fat on the body, sometimes diet and exercise just doesn’t work. There are effective non-surgical body contouring treatments that can target trouble spots on the body where there is excess fat and flab. For instance, EMSculpt and fat freezing can be used to target fat and bulge on the:
- Abdomen or lower belly
- Buttocks or bottom
- Hips or love handles
- Thighs
- Upper arms
- Back (back fat)
- Neck and face
EMSculpt & Fat Freezing For Women
These two treatments are popular with women, especially to treat menopause belly fat, post-pregnancy weight gain (see postnatal), and PCOS belly.
Combining fat freezing and EMSculpt treatment sessions will help you to lose weight, strengthen your muscles, burn fat cells, and tone your body.
After EMSculpt and fat freezing treatment, you will see your tummy area looking more defined and toned. The area will be flatter and more lifted. Post-treatment you can expect to see a significant reduction in your body fat composition in the treatment area (e.g., belly, thighs, buttocks…).
If you would like to book a UK fat freezing session along with EMSculpt, then send us a message through our website for a free consultation.
Women With Successful Fat Freezing & EMSculpt Results
One of our regular clients shares an Este fat freezing UK treatment video so you can better understand how fat freeze works. She is loving the results!
Another Este client achieves life-changing results with non-surgical fat freezing treatment that reduces her waist size! Este Medical uses advanced CoolTech® technology because of its excellent reputation and proven results eliminating problem areas of fat.
Book a fat freezing body contouring treatment at an Este Medical Group clinic near you.
Fat Reduction For Men Too!
Body contouring treatments are for men as well, especially men who want to tone their torso and have more defined abs. Men can achieve amazing results with fat freezing and EMSculpt body contouring sessions. Both of these treatments will help men to slim down and look more fit. Here are two lads who have embraced the body contouring trend for men.
EMSculpt body contouring treatments are an effective way to get extra definition in the abdominal area. One treatment is about the equivalent of doing 20,000 sit-ups in a 30 minute workout session.
Even someone with Harry’s level of fitness can sometimes use a cosmetic boost to feel more confident. The EMSculpt procedure is for anyone desiring to look more sculpted and toned.
Choose Este Medical For All Your Body Contouring Needs!
We would love to support you on your journey to increase your body positivity and renew your body confidence. Book an Este Medical body contouring consultation and learn about fat freezing pricing and EMSculpt pricing.
Last Updated:
September 26, 2023