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Derma Roller For Hair Loss: How To Get The Best Results Rolling!
Derma Roller For Hair Loss


Jan 9, 2024

Published By:

Este Medical Group

The hype around derma rollers for fighting hair loss and kickstarting new hair growth is seriously on fire right now. And with good reason, these little roller devices, with their microneedling magic on the scalp, can totally enhance your hair regrowth goals.

Before you dive into the derma roller DIY hair revolution, let's talk about derma roller pros and cons.

Derma rollers have the potential to be your secret weapon in the battle against hair loss, but they need to be handled with care. Without proper derma roller instructions and best practices, you might be at risk of skin irritation and discomfort, and that’s not going to make the whole experience very beneficial is it? 

Certainly, using a derma roller with the ability to microneedle the scalp can have advantages, but when used at home without proper instructions on best practices on derma roller technique, there could be some risks.

If you cannot resist trying out this new hair growth trend, then at least take some advice from the hair loss pros at Este Medical Group on the pros and cons of derma rollers.  

How Do Derma Rollers Help With Hair Growth? 

Handheld derma rollers essentially deliver a targeted microneedling treatment to the scalp. When the derma roller device is rolled over areas of hair thinning or along a receding hairline it leaves miniscule micro incisions. Microneedling to the scalp stimulates hair growth factors and helps to regenerate the health of hair follicles. 

Additionally, the micro incisions created by the derma roller allow for transdermal drug delivery (i.e., hair loss drug delivery system). For instance, during a customised Este Medical derma roller treatment the hair growth drug Minoxidil can be administered to the scalp as part of a holistic hair regrowth treatment. 

If you would like to arrange a customised microneedling scalp treatment that includes derma rolling, then send us a message through our website to book an Este hair loss treatment. 

As demonstrated in the video here, best results are achieved when derma rolling on the scalp is combined with Minoxidil hair growth therapy and our non-invasive laser light hair regrowth treatment for hair loss

For males looking to enhance hair growth of their beards, you can also use derma rolling on the skin area where beard growth is weak, as well as boost beard growth with Minoxidil for beard growth and laser hair growth treatments for beard hair. The ultimate way to fully enhance a beard, or have a full beard, is to have a FUE beard transplant in Turkey

If you are serious about restoring hair loss without risk, then we recommend you book a hair loss consultation to talk about derma rolling treatments and treatment extensions at home — let the hair loss experts at Este get you started on how to properly use your derma roller, once you know how best to use a derma roller you can combine Este in-clinic treatments with laser and Minoxidil with your at-home derma roller activity. 

Este At-Home Pro Tip! If you are looking for the best at-home hair loss treatment that is skin-safe and gentle, we recommend our new Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo! If you are derma rolling at home for hair loss, then you should be using Este’s Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo to ensure the best outcome.  

How long does derma rolling take to grow hair? Results for derma rolling depend on several hair loss factors like your type of hair loss, the severity of your hair loss, your body’s healing response, and what quality of derma roller you are using. On average, you can see new hair growth results in about 2 to 6 months. Better results will be experienced if derma rolling is combined with professional PRF hair injections and laser light hair loss therapy.  

Because derma rolling for hair loss can take a while to see full results, especially without combining with laser, PRP or PRF and Minoxidil hair growth therapy, we support the use of at-home derma rolling but only with proper direction and Este in-clinic training on how to microneedle your scalp effectively. 

Schedule a Este hair loss assessment to determine your type of hair loss and the most suitable hair growth treatments to restore your hair. 

Potential Risks Of DIY Derma Rolling For Hair Regrowth

Before you start vigorously microneedling your head, it’s advised to understand the potential complications of novice derma rolling.  

Let’s take a look at the risks of self-administered derma rolling: 

  • Risk of infection: Using non-sterile and poorly sanitised derma rollers devices may introduce bacteria into the scalp, increasing the risk of infections and skin inflammation.
  • Scalp damage: Improper microneedling technique and excessive pressure while rolling can cause skin irritation, abrasions, redness, and even scarring. If hair loss is already a problem for you, then you don’t need these additional problems. 
  • Uneven results: Inconsistent rolling, incorrect needle depth, and rolling frequency can lead to uneven outcomes like irregular hair growth patterns, or even worsening hair patchiness.
  • Scalp sensitivity: Overuse of derma roller DIY technique can make your scalp sensitive, resulting in scalp discomfort, itching, and sensitivity to drugstore hair products.

Choose Este Medical For Derma Rolling Expertise & Expert Hair Care

At Este Medical Group, we're passionate about the amazing benefits of microneedling and derma rolling when paired with other medical clinic hair loss treatments. We're here because we genuinely care. If you're rolling at home, we just want to ensure you're doing it right to maximise a fantastic outcome! 

Now is the time to book your UK derma rolling Este consultation!

Last Updated:

January 9, 2024

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