Famous celebrities are just like everyone else when it comes to hair loss, balding, and hair thinning.
Anyone can suffer from male or female hair loss, and anyone can also get professional hair loss treatments that work!
It’s encouraging when celebrities come out and share their hair loss experiences and their celebrity hair transplants, as there is still stigma associated around hair loss. At Este Medical, we feel it’s important to reduce the stigma, and share how having a hair loss treatment can improve your life for the better.
Let’s take a look at some celebrity hair loss and hair restoration stories about Drake, David Beckham, Antonio Conte, Wayne Rooney, Jada Pinkett Smith, Tyra Banks and other famous faces for inspiration. We’ll try to include as many celebrity hair transplants before and after photos as we can find!
Drake Love Heart Hair
Rapper Drake’s hair loss makeover is original! Often when people suffer from visible hair loss they try to mask it, in Drake’s case he shaved a ‘heart’ into his hairline. This new Drake hair lewk was a result of his hair growing in a bit weird after having COVID-19. In a funny way this new Drake heart hair coincides well with his album Certified Lover Boy. The good news is Drake is recovering from this hair loss episode.
Covid related fevers may trigger a relatively common type of hair loss called telogen effluvium (TE). Celebrity postpartum hair loss might also be a result of stress and TE. If you are unsure what type of male hair loss or female hair loss you are experiencing, then we invite you to book an Este Medical hair loss consultation to find out which professional hair loss treatments are best suited to you.
Prince William & Prince Harry Hair Loss Fuss
Both these brothers have experienced different degrees of hair thinning and receding hair as they have aged. Prince Harry’s memoir reportedly has comments about his brother’s Prince William hair loss. Which brings up a good question, when did Prince William lose his hair (pardon us, Prince of Wales hair loss!)?
Now in his early 40s, William started to go bald at an early age. Are there Prince William hair transplant stories in the press, yes, but it seems that he hasn’t undergone any hair restoration procedures. The Prince of Wales, depending on how progressive his current hair loss is and with a diagnosis of well-defined male pattern baldness, might be just the perfect candidate for a male FUE hair transplant.
Prince Harry losing hair over the years is not a secret, but has Prince Harry had a hair transplant? There has been much speculation, but most experts tend to agree that Harry hasn’t had hair grafts, but more likely Harry has had alternative hair loss treatments like PRP for male hair loss and perhaps uses products like minoxidil or Este’s Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo. One thing for sure is Prince Harry’s beard has inspired many men to have beard transplants. With a beard that nice, a Prince Harry hair transplant should be next in line!
Jada Pinkett Smith Alopecia
JPS is probably one of the most famous people with alopecia (...can we even remember Jada Pinkett Smith with hair?). Forever these three words ‘Jada Smith Alopecia’ will be linked to thousands of Google searches for news about Jada Pinkett Smith’s ordeal with alopecia hair loss. Jada revealed much despair at her sudden hair loss around 2018, sharing news that handfuls of hair were falling out while showering. It really must have been a terrifying experience for Jada, but by sharing her story of hair loss from alopecia she made this surprisingly common hair loss condition gain newsworthy attention. In talking about her own experience with alopecia, Jada made other people feel more comfortable coming forward to talk about their own hair loss problems from alopecia.
Este Medical has hair loss treatments that address a range of alopecia hair problems, they include: PRP and PRF micro hair injections combined with mesotherapy, Exciplex light therapy (i.e., autoimmune skin treatment), laser hair regrowth therapy, and in more severe cases a hair transplant may be the best option to treat alopecia. If you think you have alopecia we can help you with a final diagnosis and recommend the best alopecia hair treatment to grow your hair back better and healthier! Book a Este Medical alopecia hair loss consultation.
David Beckham Hair Transplant Speculation
As a medical term, androgenic alopecia sounds scary. You might be surprised to know that David Beckham, like so many UK men, was probably experiencing the most common type of male hair loss, male pattern baldness. If you look at before and after photos of Beckham, it seems apparent he has had some hair loss treatments to restore his thinning crown and receding hairline.
Beckham's hair loss condition could have been addressed with a FUE hair transplant, or non-surgical treatments that are more easily concealed from the public eye, like laser light hair regrowth therapy and PRP hair injections. David, tell us what you did!
Are you looking to restore thinning hair like Beckham? Then see our advice on how to restore thin hair: How To Thicken Thin Hair: Natural, Non-Surgical & Surgical Options.
What Did Antonio Conte Do To His Hair?
Former footballer Antonio Conte is known for his high-profile career as manager of Premier League Club Tottenham Hotspur. Throughout his career there has been speculation as to whether or not he’s had a hair transplant. He certainly looks good sporting a full head of hair again! Was there an Antonio Conte Hair Transplant?
When it comes to progressive male balding later in life, the best course of action is often a hair transplant. Hair transplantation is no longer a societal taboo. For many men it’s the only way they can regain a natural looking full head of hair again. Increasing numbers of men are turning to hair transplants to regrow their hair.
Did you know that women suffering from baldness can also have restorative hair grafts to regain hair volume and reestablish new hair growth? Find out more about hair transplants for women.
Keira Knightley Hair Loss Results In Wig Wearing
Even Academy Award nominated actress Keira Knightley has experienced hair thinning from the strain of movie-related hair damage on the set; changing hairstyles frequently and over-dyeing hair took its toll on Keira’s lovely locks. As a result she resorted to wigs to keep up appearances and take some strain off her famous Keira Knightley hair.
For most people, wearing wigs might not be the ideal fix. While movie star wigs offer fantastic cover-ups, the most realistic ones can be very costly. Plus, relying on wigs isn't a lasting solution for hair thinning. A more realistic and proven solution for hair thinning is to look for clinical treatments that boost healthy blood circulation to the scalp and promote stronger hair growth like PRP, PRF hair injections, laser hair regrowth light therapy, and a gentle anti-hair loss shampoo to use at home.
Tyra Banks Open About Her Hair Loss
Tyra Banks is one of several female celebrities with hair loss that has come out and shared her experience. Celebrity female hair loss is much harder to undergo in the public eye, as for men some hair loss or balding is considered normal, but when women have hair thinning or bald patches they tend to face more scrutiny.
It is very inspiring to hear about hair transplant female celebrities share their intimate stories about hair loss and hair restoration. Same goes for balding celebrities, being in the spotlight makes it all that much harder to have some privacy when dealing with such a personal issue.
Coronation Street’s Comeback Kid, Stephanie Davis
Losing it all in the public eye can be pretty devastating, including your hair. Actress Stephanie Davis has been forthcoming with her issues and struggles, and that is an admirable thing to do, especially when it’s about female hair loss. Davis has spoken out about her stress-related hair loss and taking action to deal with it. Details about Stephanie Davis hair transplant are easy to find online, you can also find Stephanie Davis new hair photos on Google images.
Stephanie Davis had a hair transplant to fix a high forehead, and diminish the look of thinning hair around her face. If you want a lower hairline then a customised hair transplant can help you to restore hair growth to better frame your face and balance your facial features. A tailored hair transplant can give you a second chance at having the hair you want!
Christina Milian Postpartum Hair Thinning
Speaking of Christina Milian kids, her postpartum hair thinning, and her classic Milian braids in the press, and all that media attention on ‘Christina Milian Hair Loss’ headlines made the new mum, actress and singer feel it was important to speak-out about hair loss after having kids and what effective solutions were out there for other moms also experiencing postnatal issues.
Many females will experience some hair shedding and thinning postpartum. This type of hair loss is considered a normal and common condition. Este Medical treatments for postpartum hair loss include natural and non-surgical PRF and PRP combined with mesotherapy, we recommend about 4 to 5 treatments about once per month to restore normal and healthy hair growth. Another popular non-invasive hair regrowth treatment for new moms with hair loss is laser light hair regrowth therapy.
As more celebrities with hair loss, like Christina Milian, Tyra Banks, Keira Knightley, and Jada Pinkett Smith share their personal hair loss experience, the more people come to understand how common hair loss is for both men and women.
Famous women talking about hair loss help other women to understand that there is help out there for hair loss, as most success stories or news about hair loss tends to still be about men.
Here’s an example of an Este Medical hair restoration success story for a non-celebrity woman!
The most effective way to restore female hair loss is to find out what type of hair loss you have. Once you know if it is alopecia or stress related, you will be in a much better position to find the most appropriate treatment. Just like with men, women are advised to have a professional hair loss consultation to discover their type of hair loss. Once your type of hair loss is established, the most effective treatment can be recommended (e.g., laser hair therapy for women, PRP hair injections for women…).
Best Hair Treatments For Women Available At Este Medical
- FUE hair transplant for women
- Unshaven and long hair transplants
- PRP + mesotherapy
- Laser light hair regrowth therapy
Wayne Rooney’s Celebrity Hair Transplant
When it comes to UK celebrities with hair transplants, Wayne Rooney gets his name mentioned a lot. Perhaps because he openly shared his hair transplant journey in his autobiography.
What is the Wayne Rooney hair transplant gossip? Now, we can’t speak to Rooney’s long-term hair transplant results as Este Medical did not perform his hair restoration surgery. But, we do have many non-celebrity men who say Este Medical hair transplants changed their lives for the better!
Este Medical Group CEO and founder, Sam Cinkir, reveals why Este hair transplants are so successful.
Celebrities, They’re Just Like Us!
Okay, that’s not totally accurate, but when it comes to hair loss in celebrities, they do have the same types of hair loss that everyone does. If you can take away anything from this look at famous people with hair loss, then take away the fact that hair thinning, alopecia, male and female pattern hair loss, and balding can all be professionally treated.
If you are inspired by our Este Medical success stories, then we invite you to book a hair loss consultation at a hair loss clinic in the UK. Este Medical Group has a 5-star rating and our client reviews support our reputation as being one of the best hair regrowth and hair transplant providers in the world.
Thinking about getting a FUE hair transplant, or trying one of our non-surgical hair growth treatments? Start your journey by contacting our friendly team.
Last Updated:
August 8, 2023