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A Guide to Mole and Skin Tag Removal
moles and skin tag removal


May 5, 2022

Published By:

Este Medical Group

Skin tags and moles are incredibly common, and most people will have one, two or a few more somewhere on their body. In general, they are usually harmless and if you’re wondering about skin tag and mole removal, it’s probably because of aesthetics – or how much you don’t like the look of them.

But first, let’s take a closer look at skin tag vs mole differences.

What’s the Difference between a Skin Tag and a Mole?

It’s usually pretty easy to tell the difference between a skin tag and a mole just by looking at them. However, if you’re unsure you can compare your own area of concern with pictures of moles and skin tags online. To make it easy for you, take a look at our skin tag vs mole bullet points -

Skin Tags

  • are flesh-coloured
  • occur in areas of friction where clothes might rub the skin
  • are a soft flap of excess skin that may hang
  • occur on the skin’s surface layer
  • are harmless


  • are usually brown with a darker centre, but can also be flesh-coloured, red, pink and black
  • occur deep under the skin’s surface layer
  • can have hair growing from them
  • can be caused due to genetics, age, or sun damage
  • are usually harmless but can sometimes be a sign of skin cancer

What Causes Skin Tags and Moles

Skin tags are made up of a combination of loose collagen fibres in the skin, along with blood vessels, both of which are encased by a layer of skin. Skin tags occur on both men and women, and generally become more common as we age. They are harmless, and are only really a concern if they get in the way of your everyday activities. For instance, if you have one in your hairline and it always gets caught with the hairdresser’s scissors.  

As for moles, these occur due to an excess of skin cells. There are a few different types of moles and skin tags, and moles can be separated into three categories. They are -

  1. Congenital Nevi – these are the types of moles you’re born with. This type of mole tends to have a higher chance of developing melanoma so will need to be closely monitored
  1. Dysplastic Nevi – also called ‘atypical moles’. This type of mole can appear large and irregular in shape. It also has a higher chance of developing melanoma so again must be monitored carefully. This mole type is usually hereditary and can be light or dark in colour and show uneven sides  
  1. Common or Acquired Nevi – as the name suggests, these moles aren’t unusual and are the types of mole we can acquire during our lifetimes. They are usually caused by overexposure to the sun and can appear as pink, red or brown in colour

If you want to get rid of skin tags or moles, but you’re concerned about their appearance, your first port of call should always be your GP. Furthermore, it’s wise to remember the ABCDE test. This is -

  • A – Asymmetry: melanomas are generally not symmetrical
  • B – Border: non-cancerous moles usually have smooth and even edges
  • C – Colour: harmless moles are generally one colour, moles made up of multiple shades should definitely be checked out
  • D – Diameter: check the size of the mole, if it’s bigger than 6mm and you’re worried it’s changed appearance or grown, it’s wise to get it checked by your GP
  • E – Evolving: if you think your mole has got bigger, darker, more raised, or is painful or bleeds, make an appointment to see your GP and get it checked out

What is the Best Way to get rid of Skin Tags and Moles?

If you’ve got a skin tag or mole in a prominent place, we understand why you’re keen to get rid of skin tags and moles. They can be annoying, affect your confidence and self-esteem, and sometimes they can be a detriment to your everyday life. However, skin tag and mole removal is a common procedure and with the Lamprobe at Este we can help.

Lamprobe uses high frequency and radio frequency to tackle a host of common skin complaints – including skin tags vs moles. This ground-breaking non-invasive treatment penetrates your skin deep down, so that the skin condition you’re looking to treat is dealt with at its core.

The treatment consists of a probe being placed on your skin tag or mole, or other skin concern, and then, using heat that’s created using a high frequency radio wave, will target the abnormality in your skin. Benign moles and skin tags are prime targets for the Lamprobe, as are Keratoses and age spots too.

The Lamprobe can be used on all skin types, requires zero downtime, and involves minimal discomfort. So, if you’ve got a benign mole or skin tags that you’re really fed up of seeing every day, simply get in touch with Este to find out more about our amazing Lamprobe treatment and wave goodbye to your skin tags and moles for good.

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