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2023 World Mental Health Day: Este Medical Self-Care Actions!
2023 World Mental Health Day: Este Medical Self-Care Actions!


Oct 10, 2023

Published By:

Este Medical Group

On October 10th, Este Medical Group recognises the importance of self-care and self-love for World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day provides an opportunity for Este Medical professionals to acknowledge the role physical wellbeing has on mental and emotional health. 

Mental Health Foundation
Mental Health Foundation

Why Practise Self-Care For Your Mental Health?

At Este Medical, we have seen first-hand how engaging in a self-care routine can help to reduce stress, and alleviate anxiety and depression.

Practising self-care and self-love helps to increase happiness, and triggers your body to release the fab four feel-good chemicals: dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins. 

Actions That Promote Positive Mental Health

If you are feeling low, experiencing stress at work or at home, or dealing with a troubling physical condition like hair loss, alopecia, menopause, severe face acne, or postnatal body changes, then we recommend you engage in positive mental health actions to lift your spirits and get you into a routine of self-care of your body and your mind. 

Here are suggestions that can help get you on the right path when it comes to taking care of your mental health: 

  • Spend time making social connections face-to-face
  • Share your feelings, release your pent-up emotions    
  • Get active: yoga, walk, bike, swim — get your body moving
  • Active your senses — have a stimulating facial or body massage
  • Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation
  • Eat a whole food diet and skip the junk food
  • Drink water: avoid alcohol which can depress your mood 
  • Have a regular sleep schedule, no doomscrolling before bed
  • Take a break from social media, limit your online time for better mental health

What Can Cause Mental Health Problems?

World news, work issues, drama at home, illness, lifestyle factors, and physical conditions can all have a negative impact on mental health. 

At Este Medical we have experience helping men and women address their mental health concerns by treating physical conditions to:

Whatever life experience you are going through right now, our team of Este professionals will compassionately and empathetically support you as you take action to regain your mental health, and put a self-care plan in place that treats any physical concerns that are keeping you down. 

If you would like to book a Este Medical consultation to discuss a skin condition, hair loss, or some other body issue that is having a negative impact on your mental health, we are here for you. 

Mental Health Awarness

Este Medical Group Embraces World Mental Health Day 

We hope that by making the connection between self-care and physical health we can help to raise awareness of mental health issues that are connected to conditions like hair loss, weight gain, and discoloured skin for example.

In our experience, individuals that take action to address hair, body, and skincare conditions have better mental health outcomes, as being proactive about an undesirable or unwanted physical condition has a positive impact on emotional and mental wellbeing. 

Contact Este Medical in the UK if you would like to start a conversation about one of our medical or cosmetic treatments. We will support you all the way on your journey to rejuvenate and care for yourself!

Book an Este Medical consultation today!

Last Updated:

October 10, 2023

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